Have you been surfing the internet for the genuine Schwinn 170 my17 review? If yes, then count yourself lucky because here you are going to find all the pieces of information about this upright exercise bike which is going to give you a clear idea on it.

Schwinn is a world-class cycle brand name who never failed to satisfy their customers and now they have also captured the exercise bike market which is beating other competitors really bad.

The Schwinn 170 has so many things which made most people keeping it at their top choice. From 25 resistance level to oversized pedals, it has more than you will ever need.

With this beast, you can get better fitness. It is a complete package and comes with all the latest technologies, USB charging, In-console speakers, Bluetooth and many more. Now let’s scroll down and check each feature of this upright bike.

Schwinn 170 Upright Bike

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It is a common feature that you would find in any modern exercise bikes but Schwinn took it to another level. First of all, the handlebar is adjustable and has a comfortable grip which will prevent your hand from unwanted slipping.

Features Of Schwinn 170 Upright Bike

I know most people don’t want to have an exercise bike because that would not suit to their modern home and will harm the overall feel, but this Schwinn bike comes at a design that will suit any modern home.

It is among the very few exercise bikes that offer smooth, vibration free and quiet exercise session along with classy design. Anyways, in this Schwinn 170 my17 review article, I have discussed every aspect broadly so that you don’t stick in any confusion.

Preset Workout Routine

How would you feel if you get an exercise bike along with a trainer? Amazing, right? This Schwinn 170 will do that for you.

It comes with 29 exercise routines which will help you to improve your overall fitness very easily. Everyone should exercise according to their heart rate, anything over that could be a serious issue.

And the good news is, 9 routines from the 29 will be controlled by your heart rate, which ensures you are having safe exercise.

Resistance Level

The resistance level of an exercise bike is a very important thing; your workout intensity depends on it. Lower resistance level is best for people who are just started exercising.

But in lower resistance, you can’t do high-intensity work out which means you will have slow improvement. In the high-resistance level, you will need to give more effort to cycle and will have a high-intensity workout.

You will barely find a classy exercise bike that offers 25 resistance levels. This one does. With this exercise bike, you can do really high intensity work out which will not only give your body a good shape but also improve your stamina level.

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Provides Online Service

This is probably the first upright exercise bike that offers online service. For advanced data tracking, you can connect to the Schwinn app.

You will be able to get a suggestion about your fitness and how can you improve it. Also can get help with work out routines.

Comfortable Seat

Undoubtedly, seat plays an important role when you are exercising. If the seat of your exercise bike is uncomfortable that would definitely make you uninterested in exercise. Not only that, a bad seat can also hurt your back.

This Schwinn exercise bike has a large padded seat which delivers decent comfort. Most people will find it very comfortable and will be able to work out as long as they want.

But for few people, this seat might take little time to get used to it. If anyhow you are not comfortable with this seat you can get a seat cover for added comfort, or you can replace the whole seat too with a suitable one.

Adjustable Handlebar

It is a common feature that you would find in any modern exercise bikes but Schwinn took it to another level. First of all, the handlebar is adjustable and has a comfortable grip which will prevent your hand from unwanted slipping.

End of the handlebar is turned up so that you can lean in safely whenever you want. Moreover, it has 2 elbow pads which will give your arms a nice rest.

Noiseless Operation

An exercise bike that makes noise during operation is definitely not for home use. When you are exercising, people around you will be disturbed, as they wouldn’t be able to have a conversation, watch TV, read and sleep. And because of the noise, you won’t be able to exercise whenever you want.

Do you want an exercise bike that makes no noise? Definitely No! Here is the Schwinn 170 quiet exercise bike which makes no noise when you use it. But it will be wise if you put a rubber pad under this bike that will prevent the noise which could be created because of the vibration when you cycle.

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Seat Height Adjustability

This Schwinn 170 exercise bike is perfect for people who are 5 to 6ft long. The seat could be adjusted in both vertically and horizontally so that you would be able to set the seat according to your need for more effective workout sessions.

Changing the seat height is also very easy. You just have to unscrew the knob and pull it out, now take your seat height to your preferred level and re-insert the knob. This process won’t take more than 1 minute.

Sturdy Pedals

The Schwinn 170 comes with durable and oversized pedals along with the toe straps. Straps ensure safe pedaling, and you wouldn’t have to worry about pedal slipping when you are exercising at high-intensity.

This exercise bike is not designed for exercising by standing on the pedals, as you can do on spin bikes. However, most people have tried and they didn’t find any issue with the pedal but it is better to follow the instruction (not to exercise standing on the pedals).

It is not something like if you are not able to cycle standing up, you can’t have effective exercise. You can still get highly effective exercise by increasing the resistance level.

You can also pedal backward but I don’t see any benefits, as that has no resistance which is why it is very easy to cycle backward.

The straps are made of plastic and at the very beginning, it can be a little hard for you to get used to the strap.

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Easy Storage

This bike would need an area of 21.4 by 41.3 inches. And when you are not using the exercise bike, you would like to place it somewhere in the corner or beside the wall, right?

Plus, as it has a classy look, there is no chance that it would look bad or harm the feelings of your overall home.

I have seen a lot of bikes which you would have to drag from place to place and that can harm your floor too. But this Schwinn exercise bike comes with two base wheels which enables you to move the bike easily.

Some important things you should know about the wheels are, they run best in hard surfaces, don’t try to use them on the carpet, instead of wheeling it, you will end up dragging.

Also be careful while wheeling the bike on a wood surface, wheels can make scratches in the wood floor. It will be better if you make a little test.

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This exercise bike will be shipped to you disassembled but don’t worry, assembling it is very easy. Anyone can make it done under 1 or 2 hours.

The drive assembly and bottom frame come assembled; you have to put the pedals, handlebar, Front support pole, Drive shroud, console, water bottle holder, stabilizer bar and seat post.

An instruction manual comes with the bike which has a diagram that makes it super easy to understand. All the required tools come with the bike and assembling process would require two people, one will need to hold the parts in place and you will bolt them.

Water Bottle Holder

Water is needed to stay hydrated during exercise. But getting off from the bike each time you need to drink is very irritating. So, the Schwinn 170 has a good looking stable and durable water bottle holder.

The Console Of Schwinn 170 Upright Bike

Most modern exercise bike comes with the console. Consoles are what enable you to select the programs and see measures of your body.


This Schwinn upright exercise bike has two displays, when the upper display is covered with your electronics you can still see your body measures in the lower display.

Both are the backlit display that’s why you will be able to see in any lighting condition. The display shows the rpm, time, heart rate, calories burned, resistance level, program profile and intensity meter.

The upper display 

The 3 by 5 inches upper display shows you the top routines you are following and the middle center shows you the course profile.

It shows the intensity level on the left. Intensity level would be shown like 1 to 25 to make you understand against which level of resistance you are pushing yourself.

You will see your heart rate at the right of the display and bottom of the display you will the goals you have set.

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The lower display

If you place an electronic device, the upper display will be covered fully and the lower one will be the alternative. It has 3 blocks, the left one shows the time or speed, and the middle one shows the RPM or the resistance level and the right one show the heart rate.

The Control Panel of Schwinn 170 Exercise bike

Below the display, it has a lot of buttons for different controls and program selection. Right below the lower display, it has 5 buttons on either side so that you can get on any resistance level you want.

At the top of the center, it has 4 buttons: for getting started without selecting any programs, immediate pause and selecting a workout program.

Moreover, it also has 6 indicator lights which indicate goal achievements and it has speakers at the bottom. You can listen to songs in both ways with or without headphone.


  • Noiseless bike
  • Study frame, made of high-quality materials
  • Requires very low maintenance
  • 29 work out presets and 25 resistance level
  • Transport wheels for easy movement
  • Comes with two displays
  • Easy to assemble
  • Provides online service
  • Adjustable seat height, saddle, and handlebar
  • Handlebar has elbow pads and slip-resistant grip
  • Comes with USB charger, media self, speakers, fan, and water bottle holder


  • During a power failure, you can’t use this bike.
  • This exercise bike is not designed to exercise standing up on the pedals.
  • The cords that come with this bike are short.

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What I Loved About This Bike

Probably it is the only upright exercise bike that comes with so many features. One thing that I love the most about this bike is its console. What doesn’t it have? It has every feature any exerciser will ever want. It has Bluetooth, speakers, 29 preset workout routine, 25 resistance levels, backlit display as well as an easy control panel.

On the other hand, this bike is very quiet and transporting this bike is also too easy. It can be done by one person.

What I Didn’t Love About This Bike

As I said in the cons section, it comes with short cords which are why you might need to set this bike besides walls. And another thing is, without the electricity, you won’t be able to use this bike.

Final Words:

Overall, the Schwinn 170 upright exercise bike has all the features that you’ll ever need in an exercise bike. The manufacturer has designed it in such a way that no one can deny its quality. It has a classy design and suited for everyone from beginner to expert.

If you want to exercise standing on the pedals, then you better don’t choose this exercise bike. The main attraction of this bike is the console, it shows how exactly a modern exercise bike should be.

From 25 resistance level to 29 preset workout routine, speakers, Bluetooth, shelf, impressive control panel, online service, what else would you expect from an exercise bike?

I have tried my best to cover all the aspects that you would need to know in this Schwinn 170 my17 review article. I hope you liked it, if you do, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Last update on 2024-10-21 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API