Okay! Let me guess, you own a home spin bike and surfing the internet for reliable Keiser spin bike workouts routines? Even if you own any other latest exercise bike, I urge you to invest some time & attention in this article, it won’t be a waste. Trust me!

This is no surprise that exercise bikes are a great way to get effective cardiovascular exercise and cut loose some body weight and remain in a nice shape.

And you can find tons of workout routines on YouTube, social media, DVDs, then what the hell I am doing here.

Has This Question Just Crossed Your Mind?

That’s pretty obvious. You deserve an explanation. Well, as I said, there are tons of possible ways available to get spin bike workout routines and even after that, the only reason why you should stick to this very article is, here you will find proven information’s unlike most websites, DVDs, and YouTube videos.

As I researched, I have found most website delivering useless and wrong routines which might throw a negative impact on your body.

And I don’t think you would love that.

It is highly important to make sure you are following the right and suitable workout routines if you want your hours spent on the exercise bike reflecting on your body.

Uhhhhhh! Enough of this talking, let’s get to the main point.

Below, I have provided all the information on Keiser spin bike workouts routines. These routines are surely going to help you to get rid of some stubborn body fat.

So, shall we start?

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Keiser Spin Bike Workouts To Follow

It is always important and helpful to have a workout routine, to make sure that you get the best out of your spin bike. Anyways, below, I have compiled a Keiser Spin bike workouts routine. Follow all the steps accurately for a better result.

Pedal by keeping your hip up from the saddle

Did you ever think why do most people suggest to exercise keeping hip off the saddle?

Here is the reason: when you pedal by lifting your hip up, it adds more resistance which improves your core, hip and leg. Plus, as you will be pushing pedals with more resistance, it will burn more calories.


Who doesn’t love to listen to music? Everyone does. And as Keiser spin bike comes with the latest technology, it offers its users the feature to listen to songs while exercising.

Don’t underestimate the power of song. It can heal. Listening to a song can change your mood. it can also help you concentrate on your exercise.

You can listen to the songs you love, songs that inspires and motivates you. It will have a positive impact on your exercise.

Upper Body Workout

Cycling mainly improves our lower body muscles. So what to do about the upper body?

While you are cycling on your spin bike in a slow speed, with a pair of dumbbells you can do triceps, biceps and pull down workouts. These will improve your upper body muscles.

Things to remember: don’t set such a high resistance that will make you barely move a pedal. Also, don’t choose heavyweight dumbbells at the beginning. Any misbalance can lead to serious injuries.

15 Minutes Workout Session (Warm-Up)

Start Pedaling for 5 minutes at the very beginning at a low resistance.

Take a 10-second rest.

Then again start pedaling quickly for 5 minutes and this time increase the resistance level. You will have to pedal in both ways sitting and standing up. You can break it to 30 seconds each.

And for the next 5 minutes, decrease the resistance level slowly and stop.

Your warm-up session is successfully completed.

30 Minutes “Tabata” Workout Session

The “Tabata” exercise is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This exercise is designed for the Japanese in order to get more output in a short time of exercise, as you know Japanese are very busy at their own work.

The name “Tabata” came from the founder of this exercise Dr. Izumi Tabata. Let’s see how you can do Tabata exercise on your Keiser spin bike. It’s actually very simple, just get on your spin bike and follow the steps:

  • 1Pedal for 6 minutes as a warm-up. Actually, you should do it before every exercise session, because it makes your body prepare for the next intensive workout.
  • 2For 20 seconds, pedal in a gentle resistance level and repeat it 16 times and take 10 seconds to rest after each 20 sec.
  • 3Once you are done doing that, pedal for 1 minute with low effort.
  • 4Now, pedal for 40 seconds in high-intensity and repeat it 20 times. You can take 20 seconds to break between each.
  • 5And after that, you have to do another 1-minute cycling at the low resistance level.
  • 6Now, do 1-minute of cycling at the maximum speed. Maximum speed means, as fast as you can but make sure you set a low resistance level.
  • 7And here comes the last 5 minutes. During this period, you will gradually decrease your speed and Congrats, you have successfully done 30-minutes Tabata exercise.

By doing this 30-minutes Tabata exercise, you will notice quick fat loss but make sure you do it in the right way. This exercise routine is suitable for everyone, from beginner to professionals.

Indoor 45- Minutes Cycling in Keiser Spin Bike

If you have ever joined indoor cycling classes, you would know that the 45-minutes indoor cycling exercise is very popular. Most students try different variations while doing this exercise.

This exercise session is neither very easy nor very hard. You have to remember all these following steps. And also, this routine is ideal for beginners.

As this session will be long, so don’t forget to create your own playlist. Now, hop on your spin bike, we are about to roll:

  • 1During the first 5 minutes, you will do what everyone should do at the beginning of any workout session, the warm-up. Try to do it at 100 RPM.
  • 2After the warm-up is completed, for the next 5 minutes, you will have to increase the resistance level and cycle at 70 RPM. While doing this raise your hip up from the saddle.
  • 3Now decrease the resistance level for 2 minutes but increase your speed up to 110 RPM and don’t seat on the saddle, keep your hip up.
  • 4Keep the same resistance as step 3 but increase your speed up to 120 RPM for 2-minutes. You can sit on the saddle now.
  • 5Now, for 2 more minutes, increase the resistance level and again raise your hip up from the saddle and pedal in 80 RPM.
  • 6Again keep the resistance as same as step 5 but increase your cycling speed to 120 RPM and keeps your hip up.
  • 7Sit on the saddle and decrease the cycling speed to 80 RPM for 2 minutes. Your 21-minutes of exercise is done.
  • 8Now, you can rest for 10 seconds if you want but it’s better not to.
  • 9Again for 1-minute keep a gentle resistance and increase your cycling speed but do not cross the 120 RPM limit. Keep your hip up from the saddle.
  • 10From 22 to 25-minutes, you will have to decrease the resistance level and cycle at 100 RPM. Now you can cycle sitting on the saddle.
  • 11This next 5-minutes can be hard for you but you will have to do it. Set a heavy resistance level and your cycling speed have to be 70 RPM. You will have to cycle keeping your hip up from the saddle. Thus, you have finished 30-minutes of this exercise.
  • 12Now for 5 more minutes, decrease the resistance level and slightly increase your cycling speed to 80 RPM. You can sit down on the saddle.
  • 13From 35 to 40-minutes, decrease the resistance level and keep cycling at 80 RPM. Plus, if you want you can perform upper body workouts too by lifting up a pair of light dumbbells.
  • 14Here come the last 5-minutes. Gradually decrease your cycling speed to zero. Congratulations, you have successfully completed the 45-minutes indoor cycling exercise.

In the beginning, this exercise routine might seem very complicated but trust me, after practicing for a few times, you will get used to the steps. The main challenge here is remembering these steps. If you are using Keiser Spin Bike, you will have a programmable memory where you can pre-program this routine.

Over-Under Interval Workout

Over-Under Interval workout method is for those who love to take a challenge. This workout will not only remove some stubborn fat but also will increase your endurance which makes it an ideal workout routine for athletes.

  • 1As usual start with 2-minutes of warm-up session.
  • 2Increase the resistance level and cycle at your maximum speed for 1 minute.
  • 3Now decrease the resistance level and cycle at a moderate speed.
  • 4For the next 2-minutes, again increase the resistance level and raise your hip up from the saddle.
  • 5Now sit on the saddle and try to cycle at your maximum speed and keep the resistance low.

Keep doing this until you complete 10 rounds of this and take 20-second rest between each. After some time when you get used to this exercise routine, increase the round from 10 to 15.

Speed Interval Workout

Speed interval workout is for burning more fat and like the over-under interval workout, this exercise routine will also increase your stamina level. It is a 24-minute exercise routine consisting of 8-minute intervals with 3 rounds. It is actually not very complicated. Here are the steps:

  • 1Warm-up by pedaling for 5-minutes at a moderate speed.
  • 2During the 8-minute period, keep cycling at a low speed for 30 seconds and then sprint for the next 30 seconds. Which means, in the entire 8 minutes, you will cycle lightly for 4 minutes and sprint for 4 minutes. Try not to take any rest within this 8 minutes.
  • 3Once you have completed 3 sets of this exercise, relax for 10 minutes and get ready for 3 more sets.

5 Tips To Adjust The Keiser Spin Bike In The Right Way

Actually, this is not only for Keiser spin bike, it is for every exercise bike. So right before you start cycling, it’s always very important to make sure that the exercise bike is positioned perfectly. A well-aligned exercise bike will not only prevent unwanted injuries but will also increase the effectiveness of the workout and uplift the experience of riding an exercise bike. Below I have given 4 tips to keep your exercise bike well-adjusted.

Adjust the seat height

The very first thing you would want to do is adjust the seat height before you climb on the exercise bike. If you are using Keiser spin bike, it would be too easy for you, as adjusting things in a spin bike is very smooth.

Not only the Keiser bike, nowadays almost every spin bikes comes with adjustable seat height feature.

So, how would you measure the perfect height for yourself?

Very simple, stand beside the exercise bike side to side and set the seat height to the height of your hip bone. Then get on the exercise bike and push the pedal, you have to make sure, your legs get fully extended when you push the pedal in a cycling motion. You will feel a slight bend in your both leg, that is the perfect height for you.

A low seat will give unnecessary stain on the leg. On the other hand, setting the seat higher than necessary will also cause discomfort, knee pain, ankle pain and hip pain.

Saddle Position

After the seat height, now you will want to position the saddle and that can be done by just moving your saddle forward and backward.

Most people have a saddle position, in which their leg bangs the handlebar. So in that case, they should move the saddle little bit backward.

The wider saddle seems to be very comfortable, right? But that’s wrong. Wider saddles are going to hurt your back after some time. They are going to irritate the back of your upper thigh too.

Even though narrow saddle doesn’t seem like to be very comfortable, they are an ideal option. It will take some time to get used to it but it actually delivers no extra pain or irritation.

Handlebar Position

The ideal handlebar position is, your seat height and handlebar would be in equal height. However, you can raise your handlebar from the seat height but lowering the handlebar than the seat height will put extra tension on your neck and can cause pain in the shoulder and lower back too.

You should adjust the handlebar in a way with which you are comfortable. If you are an aggressive exerciser, you might want your handlebar to be little higher.


If you are using any Keiser spin bike, you don’t have to worry about the stability. Just make sure you place the bike on an even surface.

Stability has a lot to do with a secure workout session. Unstable bikes can easily tip over when you pedal standing which can lead to serious injuries.

Pedal Position

And here comes the last one, pedal position. Exercise bike pedals are designed to be used by the heel ball, not the toe, which unfortunately many of us do. You have to keep your heel and toe in an equal level in order to prevent feet numbness.

What Do You Get When You Align Your Exercise Bike In The Right Way?

Do you know why exercise bikes are a great option to get cardiovascular activity in the home? Because they are easy on joints.

And when the bike is adjusted perfectly, it will prevent any kind of injuries and also would not put a stress on any muscle. If you own a Keiser spin bike, there is no chance that you will find difficulties in adjusting anything as they offer superb, easy and smooth adjustability.

All the latest spin bikes offer improved adjustable features but if you are using an old exercise bike, then you may have to face a hard time adjusting that.

Bottom Line:

Keiser spin bike workouts routines can support you to have an effective workout session in the home with your Keiser bike. These workouts will not only aid you to lose fat but it will also increase your endurance, stamina level, and help you to remain in a good shape.

Yes, these workouts were mainly designed for Keiser Spin Bikes. However, if you have all the latest technologies like the programmable setup, adjustable features etc. in your spin bike, you can apply these workouts too.

I have tried my best to write about all the Keiser spin bike workouts in this article. Hope you liked this article and if you did, don’t forget to share it with your friends. And if you have any suggestion, don’t hesitate to put that on the comment section below.

Last update on 2024-07-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API